underwater city
Brisbane was set to host the Underwater City 2014. Located at the iconic King George Square, Underwater City offered visitors the unique opportunity to get up close and personal with a myriad of marine life right in the heart of the CBD. Wildlife lovers were in awe of the exotic creatures on display in the largest temporary aquarium ever assembled in the country. The client requested the design of a logotype, web banner and a 24 sheet billboard (3m x 6m).The audience was local children eight to 15 years, interstate visiting
families and parents.
The approach was to develop a tone that is both fun and friendly, shown through the bubble-like type in the logo. A dangerous and fantasy feel also needed to be conveyed. This was done by compositing the artwork in photoshop, as if the marine-life was taking over the city. This made for an interesting and exciting design, guaranteeing viewers to be intrigued and want to attend the event.


